
Old Navy Flip Flops $1 for Cardholders 5/14

If you are an Old Navy cardholder, you can get 5 pairs of flip flops for just $1 a pair this Saturday.

If you are not a card holder, you can get them for $1 a pair starting Saturday, May 21st. 
 Which is great because
 #1 I don't have an Old Navy Card
#2 May 21st is my birthday and I LOVE Old Navy FlipFlops so Happy Birthday to ME!!
Kaelyn and I will be there to pickup our flipflops on the 21st!



  1. Hi Amy! I recently saw your TLC episode of Extreme Couponing and my mom and I throughly enjoyed watching you and your family save money! We are from Sikeston and were wondering if you had any good starting tips for us??

  2. Cool!!! Thanks so much for this one! I love Old Navy Flip Flops! :)
    I too would love some ideas on getting started with couponing.. Could you please let me know any pointers you may have? Thanks so much :)
