
Daily Scripture

So, with all the recent storm activity, my kids are a little nervous with "storms coming in later today".

I started thinking, how much do we really trust God.  Do we trust HIM even during those stormy times, in the natural storms or just storms of life. 

My children and I prayed together..

 I want them to have peace to know not only will mom and dad protect them, but that Jesus Christ in Heaven is the ALMIGHTY protector!!  Things might get scary with the storm BUT Jesus has HIS angels protecting us! 

Here is the scripture speaking to my heart today...

Isaiah 26:3-4
3 You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
4 Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.

I am keeping my eyes on Jesus and trusting HIM completely!



  1. Amy, I said a similar prayer with my kids on the way to school. I plan on reading these verses with them later this evening. Thanks for sharing... you are such a good sharer(is that a word :o/)

  2. Perfect timing my kids too..
    thank you!
