
Food Giant 6/27 - 7/4

Here are a few Food Giant Deals!!

Hamburger/Hotdog Bun 8ct .78 each

Ground Beef $1.78lb

Leg Quarters .48lb

Kraft Salad Dressing $1.67 each
Use $1/1
Pay .67 each

Hunt's Ketchup .98 each
Use .20/1 doubled
Pay .58 each

Cool Whip .98 each
Use .20/2 doubled
Pay .76 each!

Cole Slaw mix/ Garden Salad Blend .98 each

Kraft BarBQ Sauce .68 each
Use .25/1 doubled COUPONS ON THE BOTTLE, wow they make it easy for us LOL
Pay .18 each!



  1. I was in food giant and they have .25 peelies on the kraft BBQ at a sale price of .68! Woo Hoo!

  2. Someone was kind enough this week to go through and take every single peelie off of the bottles. You could see where they were torn off the label. Not sure if someone just wanted tons of $0.25 coupons or if the store did it.
