
Daily Scripture

I havn't posted any daily scripture this week, until today. I have been studying and seeking God on what to post.

God has done some much for my family. God made promises to David and I and He KEEPS HIS promises. Sometimes you wonder, God have you forgotten the promises you made to me? It is all in God's timing. I know what you are thinking sometimes God's timing stinks because it is not in YOUR timing.

David, me, and our 4 kids lived in a 16x80 trailer for 7 years! Oh, how I hated that trailer. God PROMISED me a house, a home, a place big enough for all of us.

The same time David was sick in 2008, God was working. When David got sick, the reality of ever having a new home drained from me. I mean, the main provider of our family was deathly sick and we didn't know what the future held for us.

You know that is when God really show off. Because we couldn't do anything in OUR OWN POWER!!! Only God could do what happened next.....

When David got sick, he didn't have any insurance because he couldn't get reasonable coverage because of his past with cancer. After his hospital bill, surgery, multiple catscans. We had a bill for $80,000!!!! That is just the hospital, not the doctors, radiology etc....

I prayed and prayed, God what are we going to do? I filled out some paperwork for the hospital and we waited.

During the waiting period....
In May, 2 months before David became sick, we had been looking at a house and prayed over it, claiming it. It was a brand new home and it was beautiful.

The owners of the home called us after David had surgery in September. They really believed we were suppose to be the family in this home. But at the time the banks were NOT giving loans very freely and with David being sick for so long they did not look favorable on us.

The owners of the home came up solution.. They would owner finance the home for us at a SUPER LOW interest rate ( way lower than the banks). God provided the home that God had promised to us. It happened in circumstances that we had no power. That is when you raise your hands to God and say "God I give you COMPLETE control because I have NONE" Sometimes that is the hardest thing to do.

Then the same day we were moving into our new home, I received a letter in the mail from the hospital. With shaking hands I opened it.... the hospital said our bill was COMPLETELY PAID/FORGIVEN!!!! Praise GOD!!!

God has many promises, that have not came to past yet. We want to be out of debt COMPLETELY!!! I know it will happen! God is doing some amazing things RIGHT NOW in this area. If you do not have a home church, I pray you find one. You can always come to my church Christ Church of the Heartland on Bertling St. in Cape Girardeau. We are a Spirit Filled church that is seeking the heart of God!

I love the Lord with ALL of my heart. I give GOD the glory for where we are today because without HIM I am nothing!

My daily scriptures for today is...

Genesis 28:12-15 [15b] I will not leave you UNTIL I HAVE DONE what I have PROMISED you.

Numbers 23:19 God is NOT a man, that he should LIE, nor a son of man, that he should CHANGE HIS MIND. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

Psalms 145:13 ...The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made

Romans 4:19-21 ...[20] Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, [21] being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised

2 Corinthians 1:20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God


  1. Amy, thank you for this amazing, encouraging post. The Scriptures really spoke to me about things we are praying for. I found your blog among the comments from bloggers on Vocalpoint, of all places. I too am a Christian blogger and so appreciate all you stand for.

  2. thank you Karen, I am sooo glad I posted on Vocalpoint, I almost didn't. God is in control!!

  3. Amy,
    I saw you on TLC just the other day and decided to look up extreme couponing and came acrossed your blog. You are such a great, christian role model for us mothers and wives out there. Love your blog, scripture and outlook on everything!!
    God Bless
    Matyka in IL
