
12 Days of Christmas

I told you all that I would let you know what I do for the 12 days of Christmas for my kids.
Well, I started this a few years ago and the kids LOVE it. It just works all the excitment up!!

I start on Dec. 13 and finish on Christmas Eve.

Every evening, I either have a small gift or an activity. Here are a few things I have in store

1. Put together a Gingerbread house. The kids LOVE doing this. Everyone gets involved and puts their touch on the house. :)

2. Making a stocking. Of course we have our stockings hanging, but last year on the 75% off Christmas stuff I found this kits to make a stocking and I thought the kids would love to do this for one of our days.
I plan on each one making one and stuffing them with goodies and taking them to our neighbors to spread the Christmas Spirit!

3. Homemade necklace kits. I also bought homemade candy necklace kits. The boys won't be real thrilled but they do like the candy!

4. Pack of gum as a gift one day.

5. Making cutout sugar cookies, as a family. Now I do have a Cookies baking and candy making day with my sisters and mom, but I want to have a special evening for just the kids. :)

6. Looking at lights. We will go get ice cream shakes and go look at the lights in town! This is one of my favorite days, no one EVER gets to old to look at the twinkling lights!

7. Sing Christmas Carols around the piano. My kids do love to sing and make up songs, but I want to take 1 day and just sing some Christmas carols while I play the piano!

8. Gift - Candy canes!

9. Read the Christmas Story of the Birth of Jesus. The ONLY reason we have Christmas is because of Jesus. We HAVE to remember the TRUE reason for the season!

10. Hot cocoa and movie night!

11. Grandma's Homemade doughnuts. oohhhh, EVERYONE loves this special day! hmmmm

12. I LOVE Christmas Eve. The kids get to open 1 present, Christmas pj's of course. I then have a special book I have had for YEARS and read the Night Before Christmas. Mommy, also knows this "special" recipe for magic reindeer food and we sprinkle some on our yard! So, a magical time.
AND of course with it now being a high tech world, we click on the "Santa Tracker" on the World Wide Web, to see if Santa is getting close!!!
We leave cookies out for Santa also!!! Everyone is excited including David and I!!!!

So, do any of you do the 12 days of Christmas and what do you do???

My family has also done another 12 Days of Christmas. I don't think we are doing it this year but you never know. I think it would be AWESOME if EVERYONE did this 12 Days of Christmas because it is more than just fun!!

David and I choose a family that has had a difficult year. Maybe financial, emtionally, whatever just a family who needs some Christmas Spirit.
We start this little "game" on Dec. 13 also and follow throught till Christmas Eve. It is something you HAVE to do EVERY night.

We found poems on the internet and madeup some of our own.

I am NOT going to write out EVERY night be here is the FIRST night!

Pear Bread is the gift

T'was the first day of Christmas and all through your house
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
'Cept suddenly some little soul did appear
It is your Christmas friend bringing you Christmas Cheer.

Tonight Calls for a Partridge in a pear tree
But Partridges are tough to catch, as we came to see,
So how bout some pear bread instead of the bird
It is quite tasty or that is what we have heard.

Tonight's the first night, and this is where is all starts.
Know that all these gifts come start from our hearts.
Now each night going forward we'll bring gifts to your door
The Twelve Days of Christmas not less, not more.

Beware of this warning, Your friends will be here
But you better not look, or we will disappear!
Then all your gifts that we've carefully planned
On some other front porch they will surprisingly land.

GREAT 1st night. you have to hurry, we knocked and RAN RAN RAN FAST FAST, we even borrowed different vehicles so our friends wouldn't know it was us!!! LOL So much fun.

HERE is an ideal for night 2
Turtles and Dove Candy is the gift

Tonight you have turtles and doves coming your way
So, relax and enjoy all the chocolate you may
Because in your family you have quite a few
We left on your doorstep more than just two.

Night 3 $15 in McDonalds Gift cards

Night 3 has arrived, but we are not in France
And three French Hens do not come by chance
So take these gift cards, and buy the large size
Your off to McDonalds to buy some FRENCH fries.

Night 4 - $30 movie cards and box of candy

Four calling birds were not easy to find
So really we found ourselves in quite the bind
The holidays get busy and crazy we know
So we thought you would enjoy this candy and a show

Now, we changed things up ALOT, because we had a budget. David welllll, he is quite a poet. If any of you are interested in more of the nights just give me an email. This project is good for a few people to do together for a special family. It is LOTS of fun. I am not sure who had the most fun, us or the family receiving. I do know it really touched the families we have done this for. People just don't do this enough now days.

Let me know if you have some ideas!!!


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